The collection and processing of data from the field enables the monitoring, historicisation, tracking and subsequent optimization of production at all stages, from raw materials, through production, quality control, to the finished product and its dispatch.

What is MES?

The MES (Manufacturing Execution System) is software suitable for managing and controlling all production processes at 360°. The MES Supervisore I4.0 developed by Netsurf is a light MES that solves production scheduling needs by guaranteeing a two-way exchange between machines and factory information systems in order to monitor and optimise the production process.

Why choose the MES Supervisore I4.0?

The MES Supervisore I4.0 is the ideal solution to control and manage all your production processes: it interconnects your machinery, manages your orders, allows the control of ‘Recipes’, automatically detects your operating data, correlates them and provides real-time indicators, but above all it is open to future integrations.

MES Supervisore is integrable to:

The advantages

Amortize the purchase of new machinery

Exchange data bi-directionally ERP/Field

Reduce downtime and reject batches

Achieve traceability of production batches

Make production more efficient (OEE)

Constant control of energy consumption (EAS)

Activate a predictive/preventive maintenance policy.



Optimization of internal logistics (recorded data allows identification of the start of a manufacturing order, calculation of times and anticipation of the transport order); optimization of external logistics (monitoring and forecasting stock levels and their location and anticipating their supply); direct allocation of transport orders.


Amortization of the purchase of new machinery; two-way ERP/field data exchange; digitization of the line; reduction of plant downtime and reject batches, traceability of production batches, efficiency of production and energy consumption. History of plant consumption and processes to plan and implement a predictive/preventive maintenance policy.


Production and plant monitoring to identify the energy consumption of each machine in the production area in real time; efficiency and control of energy consumption; tracking and tracing of individual packages avoiding production or plant stoppages. Certifiable according to Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP).

Since 2017, we have successfully developed more than 100 Industry 4.0 projects, about half of which involved bottling lines, find out more:

Contact us!

Do you want to optimize the management of your production processes?

And with the other products for consumption analysisproduction optimization and maintenance management, you can easily have all your business processes under control, which is a prerequisite for embarking on the road to global efficiency in your organization!

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Stevanato group
Volentieri pellenc
De Nigris